
You can download a copy of the program here.

Tuesday, June 20th
10:30 AMIntroduction
Chairs: Cristian A. Linte & Nicolas Padoy
10:45 AMShort Presentations Session I: Endoscopy, Visualization and Augmented Reality for CAI
Chair: Raphael Sznitman, University of Bern, Switzerland
EVA-1Comparison of Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays for Surgical Interventions with Object-Anchored 2D Display
Long Qian, Johns Hopkins University; Alexander Barthel, Technical University of Munich; Alex Johnson, Greg Osgood, Johns Hopkins Hospital; Peter Kazanzides; Nassir Navab, Technical University of Munich; Bernhard Fuerst, Johns Hopkins University
EVA-2Deep Monocular 3D Reconstruction for Assisted Navigation in Bronchoscopy
Marco Visentini-Scarzanella, Takamasa Sugiura, Toshimitsu Kaneko and Shinichiro Koto, Toshiba, Japan.
EVA-3SLIM (Slit Lamp Image Mosaicing): Handling Reflection Artifacts
Kristina Prokopetc and Adrien Bartoli, Université d’Auvergne
EVA-4Intelligent viewpoint selection for efficient CT to video registration in laparoscopic liver surgery
Maria Robu, Philip Edwards, João Ramalhinho, Stephen Thompson, Brian Davidson, David Hawkes, Danail Stoyanov and Matthew Clarkson, University College London
EVA-5Projective biomechanical depth matching for soft-tissue registration in laparoscopic surgery
Daniel Reichard, Dominik Häntsch, Sebastian Bodenstedt, Stefan Suwelack, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Martin Wagner, Hannes Kenngott, Beat Müller-Stich, Medical University of Heidelberg; Rüdiger Dillmann and Stefanie Speidel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
EVA-6Real-Time Surgical Tool Tracking and Pose Estimation for Intraoperative Ultrasound Visualisation using a Hybrid Cylindrical Marker
Lin Zhang, Menglong Ye, Imperial College London; Po-Ling Chan, Chinese Hong Hong University; Guang-Zhong Yang, Imperial College London
11:25 AMShort Presentations Session II: Ultrasound-guided Interventional Applications
Chair: Elvis Chen, Robarts Research Institute, Canada
US-1Adaptive Learning from RF to B-mode Ultrasound Data for Prostate Cancer Detection
Shekoofeh Azizi, University of British Columbia; Parvin Mousavi, Queen’s University; Pingkun Yan, Amir Tahmasebi, Philip Research; Jin Tae Kawk, Sejong University; Sheng Xu, Baris Turkbey, Peter Choyke, Peter Pinto, Bradford Wood, National Institute of Health; Purang Abolmaesumi, University of British Columbia
US-2First clinical use of the EchoTrack guidance approach for radiofrequency ablation of thyroid gland nodules
Alfred Franz, Alexander Seitel, Nasrin Bopp, German Cancer Research Center; Christian Erbelding, University Hospital Frankfurt; Stefan Delorme, Dominique Cheray, German Cancer Research Center; Frank Grünwald, Hüdayi Korkusuz, University Hospital Frankfurt; Lena Maier-Hein, German Cancer Research Center
US-3Robust Motion Tracking in Liver from 2D Ultrasound Images Using Supporters
Ece Ozkan, Christine Tanner, Matej Kastelic, Oliver Mattausch, Maxim Makhinya, and Orcun Goksel, ETH Zurich
US-4Enhancement of Bone Shadow Region Using Ultrasound Transmission Maps
Ilker Hacihaliloglu, Rutgers University
US-5Geometric Modeling of Hepatic Arteries in 3D Ultrasound with Unsupervised MRA Fusion during Liver Interventions
Maxime Gerard, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal; Francois Michaud, Alexandre Bigot, An Tang, Gilles Soulez, Université de Montréal; Samuel Kadoury, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal
US-6Model-based Registration of Preprocedure MR and Intraprocedure US
Delaram Behnami, University of British Columbia; Alireza Sedghi, Queen’s University; Emran Mohammad Abu Anas, Abtin Rasoulian, Alexander Seitel, Victoria Lessoway, University of British Columbia; Tamas Ungi, Queen’s University; David Yen, Kingston General Hospital; Jill Osborn, University of British Columbia; Parvin Mousavi, Queen’s University; Robert Rohling, Purang Abolmaesumi, University of British Columbia
12:05 PMShort Presentations Session III: Intra-operative Robotic Systems and Applications
Chair: Su-Lin Lee, Imperial College London, UK
RS-1Force Assisted Ultrasound Imaging System through Dual Force Sensing and Admittance Robot Control
Ting-Yun Fang, Haichong Zhang, Rodolfo Finocchi, Russell Taylor, and Emad Boctor, Johns Hopkins University
RS-2Hand-eye calibration for surgical cameras — A Procrustean Perspective-n-Point solution
Isabella Morgan, University of Waterloo; Uditha Jayarathne, Adam Rankin, Western University; Terry M. Peters, Elvis C.S. Chen, Robarts Research Institute
RS-3Acoustic Window Planning for Ultrasound Acquisition
Rüdiger Göbl, Salvatore Virga, Julia Rackerseder, Benjamin Frisch, Nassir Navab, and Christoph Hennersperger, Technical University of Munich
RS-4Evaluation of a novel multi-articulated endoscope: proof of concept through a virtual simulation
Tuukka Karvonen, Kyoto University; Yusuke Muranishi, Goshiro Yamamoto, Tomohiro Kuroda, Toshihiko Sato, Kyoto University Hospital
RS-5On the Reproducibility of Expert-Operated and Robotic Ultrasound Acquisitions
Risto Kojcev, Ashkan Khakzar, Bernhard Fuerst, Johns Hopkins University; Oliver Zettinig, Technical University of Munich; Carole Fakhry, Bob De Jong, Jeremy Richmon, Harvard University, Russell Taylor, Johns Hopkins University; Edoardo Sinibaldi, Italian Institute of Technology; Nassir Navab, Johns Hopkins University
RS-6A Gaze-Contingent Framework for Human-Robot Collaboration in the Operating Theatre
Alexandros Kogkas, Ara Darzi, George Mylonas, Imperial College London
12:45 PM Lunch Break
2:15 PMKeynote Presentation: Makoto Hashizume, MD, PhD, FACS.
Chairman and Professor, Department of Advanced Medical Initiatives, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, and Director of Center for Advanced Medical Innovation, Kyushu University, Japan.
Title: Surgical Navigation and Robotic System based on Multidisciplinary Computational Anatomy
Chair: Dan Stoyanov, University College London, UK
3:00 PMShort Presentations Session IV: Surgical Workflow and Skill Analysis
Chair: Stefanie Speidel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
SW-1Video and Accelerometer-Based Motion Analysis for Automated Surgical Skills Assessment
Aneeq Zia, Yachna Sharma, Vinay Bettadapura, Georgia Institute of Technology; Eric Sarin, Emory University; Irfan Essa, Georgia Institute of Technology.
SW-2The Minimally Acceptable Classification Criterion for Surgical Skill
Rodney Dockter, University of Minnesota; Thomas Lendvay, Seattle Children’s Hospital; Robert Sweet, University of Washington; Timothy Kowalewski, University of Minnesota
SW-3Predicting Surgical Skill from the First N Seconds of a Task
Anna French, University of Minnesota; Thomas M. Lendvay, Robert M. Sweet, University of Washington; Timothy M. Kowalewski, University of Minnesota
SW-4Addressing multilabel imbalance problem of Surgical Tool Detection using CNN
Manish Sahu, Anirban Mukhopadhyay, Angelika Szengel, Stefan Zachow, Zuse Institute Berlin
SW-5Temporal clustering of surgical activities in robot-assisted surgery
Aneeq Zia, Georgia Institute of Technology; Chi Zhang, University of Tennessee; Xiaobin Xiong, Georgia Institute of Technology; Anthony Jarc, Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
3:30 PM Coffee Break
4:00 PMShort Presentations Session V: Computer-aided Decision, Planning and Modeling for IGI
Chair: Amber L. Simpson, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA
DPM-1SLIDE: Automatic Spine Level Identification System using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
Jorden H. Hetherington, Victoria A. Lessoway, Vit Gunka, Purang Abolmaesumi and Robert N. Rohling, University of British Columbia
DPM-2Extraction of Skin Lesions from Non-Dermoscopic Images for Surgical Excision of Melanoma
Hossein Jafari, Ebrahim Nasr-Esfahani, Nader Karimi, Isfahan University of Technology; Reza Soroushmehr, University of Michigan; Shadrokh Samavi, McMaster University; Kayvan Najarian, University of Michigan
DPM-3Towards PCI procedure modelling: Empty catheter segmentation
Ketan Bacchuwar, GE-Healthcare; Jean Cousty, Université Paris-Est; Régis Vaillant, GE-Healthcare; Laurent Najman, Université de Paris Est.
DPM-4An Efficient Cardiac Mapping Strategy for Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation with Active Learning
Yingjing Feng, Imperial College London; Ziyan Guo, Ziyang Dong, Hong Kong University; Xiao-Yun Zhou, Imperial College London; Ka-Wai Kwok, Hong Kong University; Sabine Ernst, National Health Service; Su-Lin Lee, Imperial College London
DPM-5Interactive Segmentation in MRI for Orthopedic Surgery Planning: Bone Tissue
Firat Ozdemir, Neerav Karani, ETH Zurich; Philipp Fuernstahl, University Hospital Balgrist; Orcun Goksel, ETH Zurich
DPM-6Automatic Anatomical Labeling of Arteries and Veins Using Conditional Random Fields
Takayuki Kitasaka, Aichi Institute of Technology; Mitsuru Kagajo, Yukitaka Nimura, Yuichiro Hayashi, Masahiro Oda, Nagoya University; Kazunari Misawa, Aichi Cancer Center Hospital; Kensaku Mori, Nagoya University
4:40 PMShort Presentations Session VI: Intra-operative Navigation, Registration and Tracking
Chair: Miguel Angel Gonzalez Ballester, ICREA & Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
NRT-1Can Real-Time RGBD Enhance Intraoperative Cone-Beam CT?
Javad Fotouhi, Bernhard Fuerst, Wolfgang Wein, ImFusion; Nassir Navab, Johns Hopkins University
NRT-2Electromagnetically Tracked Personalized Templates for Surgical Navigation
Andrew Dickinson, Queen’s University; Michelle Zec, David Pichora, Kingston general Hospital; Brian Rasquinha, Randy Ellis, Queen’s University
NRT-3Anser EMT: The first open-source electromagnetic tracking platform for image-guided interventions
Herman Alexander Jaeger, University College Cork; Alfred Franz, German Cancer Research Center; Kilian O’Donoghue, University College Cork; Alexander Seitel, German Cancer Research Center; Fabian Trauzettel, University College Cork; Lena Maier-Hein, Pádraig Cantillon-Murphy, University College Cork
NRT-4Coffee: The Key to Safer Image-Guided Surgery
Patrick Wellborn, Neal Dillon, Paul Russell, Robert Webster III, Vanderbilt University
NRT-5Contact-less stylus for surgical navigation — registration without digitization
Elvis C.S. Chen, Robarts Research Institute; Burton Ma, York University; Terry M. Peters, Robarts Research Institute
NRT-6Pose-Aware C-Arm for Automatic Re-Initialization of Interventional 2D/3D Image Registration
Javad Fotouhi, Bernahrd Fuerst, Alex Johnson, Russell Taylor, Greg Osgood, Nassir Navab, Mehran Armand , Johns Hopkins University
5:20 PM Presentation of Awards I
Chairs: Nicolas Padoy & Cristian A. Linte
5:30 PMPoster Presentation Session I & Social Event
Dedicated to the 23 short oral presentations NOT featured as long presentations on June 21st
7 PM End of the Day
Wednesday June 21st
8:30 AMSelected Oral Presentations (1/3): Endoscopy, Visualization and Augmented Reality for CAI & Intra-operative Navigation, Registration and Tracking
Chairs: Raphael Sznitman, University of Bern, Switzerland; Miguel Angel Gonzalez Ballester, ICREA & Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
EVA-1Comparison of Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays for Surgical Interventions with Object-Anchored 2D Display
Long Qian, Johns Hopkins University; Alexander Barthel, Technical University of Munich; Alex Johnson, Greg Osgood, Johns Hopkins Hospital; Peter Kazanzides; Nassir Navab, Technical University of Munich; Bernhard Fuerst, Johns Hopkins University
EVA-2Deep Monocular 3D Reconstruction for Assisted Navigation in Bronchoscopy
Marco Visentini-Scarzanella, Takamasa Sugiura, Toshimitsu Kaneko and Shinichiro Koto, Toshiba, Japan.
NRT-3Anser EMT: The first open-source electromagnetic tracking platform for image-guided interventions
Herman Alexander Jaeger, University College Cork; Alfred Franz, German Cancer Research Center; Kilian O’Donoghue, University College Cork; Alexander Seitel, German Cancer Research Center; Fabian Trauzettel, University College Cork; Lena Maier-Hein, Pádraig Cantillon-Murphy, University College Cork
NRT-6Pose-Aware C-Arm for Automatic Re-Initialization of Interventional 2D/3D Image Registration
Javad Fotouhi, Bernahrd Fuerst, Alex Johnson, Russell Taylor, Greg Osgood, Nassir Navab, Mehran Armand , Johns Hopkins University
10:10 AMCoffee Break
10:40 AM Selected long oral Presentations (2/3): Ultrasound-guided Interventional Applications & Computer-aided Decision, Planning and Modeling for IGI
Chairs: Elvis Chen, Robarts Research Institute, Canada; Amber L. Simpson, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA
US-2First clinical use of the EchoTrack guidance approach for radiofrequency ablation of thyroid gland nodules
Alfred Franz, Alexander Seitel, Nasrin Bopp, German Cancer Research Center; Christian Erbelding, University Hospital Frankfurt; Stefan Delorme, Dominique Cheray, German Cancer Research Center; Frank Grünwald, Hüdayi Korkusuz, University Hospital Frankfurt; Lena Maier-Hein, German Cancer Research Center
US-6Model-based Registration of Preprocedure MR and Intraprocedure US
Delaram Behnami, University of British Columbia; Alireza Sedghi, Queen’s University; Emran Mohammad Abu Anas, Abtin Rasoulian, Alexander Seitel, Victoria Lessoway, University of British Columbia; Tamas Ungi, Queen’s University; David Yen, Kingston General Hospital; Jill Osborn, University of British Columbia; Parvin Mousavi, Queen’s University; Robert Rohling, Purang Abolmaesumi, University of British Columbia
DPM-1SLIDE: Automatic Spine Level Identification System using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
Jorden H. Hetherington, Victoria A. Lessoway, Vit Gunka, Purang Abolmaesumi and Robert N. Rohling, University of British Columbia
DPM-5Interactive Segmentation in MRI for Orthopedic Surgery Planning: Bone Tissue
Firat Ozdemir, Neerav Karani, ETH Zurich; Philipp Fuernstahl, University Hospital Balgrist; Orcun Goksel, ETH Zurich
12:20 PM Lunch Break
1:50 PMSelected long oral Presentations (3/3): Surgical Workflow and Skill Analysis & Intra-operative Robotic Systems and Applications
Chairs: Stefanie Speidel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; Su-Lin Lee, Imperial College London, UK
SW-1Video and Accelerometer-Based Motion Analysis for Automated Surgical Skills Assessment
Aneeq Zia, Yachna Sharma, Vinay Bettadapura, Georgia Institute of Technology; Eric Sarin, Emory University; Irfan Essa, Georgia Institute of Technology.
SW-4Addressing multilabel imbalance problem of Surgical Tool Detection using CNN
Manish Sahu, Anirban Mukhopadhyay, Angelika Szengel, Stefan Zachow, Zuse Institute Berlin
RS-2Hand-eye calibration for surgical cameras — A Procrustean Perspective-n-Point solution
Isabella Morgan, University of Waterloo; Uditha Jayarathne, Adam Rankin, Western University; Terry M. Peters, Elvis C.S. Chen, Robarts Research Institute
RS-6A Gaze-Contingent Framework for Human-Robot Collaboration in the Operating Theatre
Alexandros Kogkas, Ara Darzi, George Mylonas, Imperial College London
3:30 PMCoffee Break & Poster Presentation Session II
Dedicated to the 12 papers selected for long oral presentations on June 21st
4:45 PM Presentation of Awards II & Closing
Chairs: Nicolas Padoy & Cristian A. Linte
5:15 PM End of the Day